
Holistic siddha treatment for cancer patients

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Can over sanitisation create immunity loss?

With coronavirus spreading all over the world at an alarming pace, one of the precautionary measures being recommended was proper sanitisation. With masks and sanitizers being regular features in daily life now, we are looking at certain other aspects of sanitisation.

Ayurvedic anti-ageing treatment

One of the major apprehensions of all human beings is the ageing process. Some of them would quickly adjust with the situation while for some others it’s difficult to accept that they are getting old. The more you are worrying about ageing, it is likely

Why celebrities prefer Ayurveda and Yoga?

Ayurveda and Yoga, both hailing from India, have been interlinked in so many ways as people tend to follow both of them for attaining maximum results. Both are very popular across the world

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